About us

What does
D 2IMIG mean?

D 2IMIG stands for “Dialogue for Diversity, Inclusion and Migration and Improved learning opportunities for Grown ups”.

It is a Erasmus+ KA2 project, with an active project duration from September 1st, 2023 to August 31st, 2026.

Get to know the team behind the D 2IMIG project!


Groupe de recherche et de realisations pour le developpement rural


The Grdr Migration-Citizenship-Development is a French international NGO, created in 1969. The Grdr is present in West Africa (Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau), in North Africa (Algeria, Tunisia) and in France (Branches in Montreuil in Seine-Saint-Denis and in Lille in the North) and in Europe. The Grdr develops its actions through a local approach reinforced by a local associative base, which support the field teams. The Grdr’s four areas of expertise are: migratory pathways and human mobility, rural and urban development and natural resource management, socio-professional integration and support for entrepreneurship, and the fight against discrimination.

In France and Europe, the Grdr has several areas of intervention and objectives:

  • Structuring and capacity building of associations from African diasporas
  • Entrepreneurship and professional integration of immigrants
  • Social and health actions for nationals of non-European Union countries and training of professionals responsible for welcoming immigrants
  • Global Citizenship Education


Ligue de l’enseignement – Fédération du Nord

About uS

La Ligue de l’Enseignement du Nord is a secular movement for popular education which is part of the national movement of la Ligue de l’enseignement based in France. The organisation works mainly in 5 main areas: education and training, culture, holidays and educational leisure activities, sport for all and international solidarity.

Created in 1924, the departmental federation works for the lifelong training and education of citizens and bring about social change. It gathers and supports 700 associations across the country and works with over 42,000 members who support the humanist, secular and fraternal project that the organisation has been pursuing since 1866. On a European level, the northern federation develops for many years projects around international solidarity, youth mobility and the inclusion of all people, particularly those from migrant backgrounds.


COSPE – Cooperazione per lo sviluppo dei paesi emergenti Onlus

About US

COSPE was founded in 1983 as a nonprofit and secular association for international cooperation. COSPE operates in 23 countries on the side of local civil society and communities, committed as we are to social justice and peace, supporting in particular marginalised and discriminated groups in their demands for social inclusion, human rights and democracy. In Italy and Europe, it promotes activities to prevent and contrast racism, discrimination and hate speech against migrants, minorities, refugees and asylum seekers and it develops intercultural activities, innovative educational tools, training courses and communication campaigns with an intersectional approach.


Consultoría de Innovación Social

About US

The Consultoría de Innovación Social is located in the south of Spain and its main activity areas of activity are employability, gender equality and international cooperation. We aim to promote change in these areas by participating in innovative projects on national and international level, thus also improving the exchange of best practices and learning from each other.

To reach this purpose, we develop and provide

  • Transnational and national training for groups
  • Certified seminars and courses for individuals
  • Collaborative workshops for specific targets
  • Counselling sessions on demand

Thus, our main goal is to create impact and sustainability by innovative approaches to solve existing social challenges and requirements.